FreeRTOS Emulator with SDL2 Based Graphics and Input Library
A POSIX wrapper to run FreeRTOS on an x86 machine with some basic input and output libraries aimed at making teaching FreeRTOS simpler.
CaIO | |
CaIO_attr | |
CaIO_mq_t | |
CaIO_serial_t | |
CaIO_socket_t | |
CaIO_tcp_client | |
Canimated_image | |
Canimated_sequence_instance | |
Canimations | |
Carc_data | |
Carrow_data | |
Cball | Object to represent a ball that bounces off walls |
Cbuttons_buffer | Structure containing a loopup table containing all the keyboards' buttons states and a lock for accessing said table |
Ccircle_data | |
Cclear_data | |
Ccoord | Holds a pixel co-ordinate |
Cdata_u | |
Cdraw_job | |
Cellipse_data | |
Cerror_print_msg | |
Cgfx_font | |
Cgfx_font_ref | |
Cglobal_offsets | |
Cimage_data | |
Cimages | |
Cline_data | |
Clist_item | |
Cloaded_image | |
Cloaded_image_crop | |
Cloaded_image_data | |
Cloaded_sample | |
Clocked_ball | |
Cmouse | |
Cpoly_data | |
Crect_data | |
Cring_buf | |
Cscaled_image_data | |
Cspritesheet | |
Cspritesheet_sequence | |
Cstate | Data object to store a single state's properties and functions |
Cstate_machine | The state machine |
Ctext_data | |
Ctriangle_data | |
Cwall | Object to represent a wall that balls bounce off of |
Cwalls |