FreeRTOS Emulator with SDL2 Based Graphics and Input Library  1.0
A POSIX wrapper to run FreeRTOS on an x86 machine with some basic input and output libraries aimed at making teaching FreeRTOS simpler.
Here is a list of all modules:
 GFX Drawing APIA simple interface to draw graphical primitives and images in a multi-threaded application
 GFX Event APIKeyboard and mouse event retrieval API
 GFX Font APIA simple interface to manage the active font used by GFX Draw
 GFX FreeRTOS Utils APIHelper functions for FreeRTOS
 GFX PrintingThread safe printing API
 GFX Sound APIAn API wrapper around the SDL Mixer library to play a set of predefined pong waveforms
 Async IO APIAsynchronous Linux Based Communications API allows for the creation of asynchronous communications channels that allow for passive IO through the use of callbacks
 Simple Linked List ImplementationA simple linked list implementation inspired from the Linux kernel
 State Machine ImplementationThis basic state machine implementation shows the basic concept of a state machine where each state is represented by a data object that contains function points to an init, enter, run and exit function
 AIO Message Queue ExamplesThe AIO message queue library works around opening a message queue with a specific name whose incoming traffic is then handled by the handler function specified. Sending to the message queue is simple through the use of the queue's name
 AIO Socket ExamplesThe AIO socket library works around opening a socket with an attached handler that is then asynchronously called when datta is put to the socket