FreeRTOS Emulator with SDL2 Based Graphics and Input Library
A POSIX wrapper to run FreeRTOS on an x86 machine with some basic input and output libraries aimed at making teaching FreeRTOS simpler.
GFX Ball API | |
GFX Drawing API | A simple interface to draw graphical primitives and images in a multi-threaded application |
GFX Event API | Keyboard and mouse event retrieval API |
GFX Font API | A simple interface to manage the active font used by GFX Draw |
GFX FreeRTOS Utils API | Helper functions for FreeRTOS |
GFX Printing | Thread safe printing API |
GFX Sound API | An API wrapper around the SDL Mixer library to play a set of predefined pong waveforms |
Async IO API | Asynchronous Linux Based Communications API allows for the creation of asynchronous communications channels that allow for passive IO through the use of callbacks |
Simple Linked List Implementation | A simple linked list implementation inspired from the Linux kernel |
State Machine Implementation | This basic state machine implementation shows the basic concept of a state machine where each state is represented by a data object that contains function points to an init, enter, run and exit function |
AIO Message Queue Examples | The AIO message queue library works around opening a message queue with a specific name whose incoming traffic is then handled by the handler function specified. Sending to the message queue is simple through the use of the queue's name |
AIO Socket Examples | The AIO socket library works around opening a socket with an attached handler that is then asynchronously called when datta is put to the socket |