24 #ifndef __ASYNC_SOCKETS_H__
25 #define __ASYNC_SOCKETS_H__
64 #define UDP_BUFFER_SIZE 2000
65 #define UDP_TEST_PORT_1 1234
66 #define UDP_TEST_PORT_2 4321
67 #define TCP_BUFFER_SIZE 2000
68 #define TCP_TEST_PORT 2222
A single file asyncronous UNIX communications library to perform UDP, TCP and POSIX message queue com...
void * aIO_handle_t
Handle used to reference and opened asyncronour communications channel.
Definition: AsyncIO.h:53
aIO_handle_t udp_soc_one
Definition: async_sockets.c:36
int xCreateSocketTasks(void)
Creates the UDP and TCP demo tasks used for demonstration purposes.
Definition: async_sockets.c:165
void vDeleteSocketTasks(void)
Deletes the demo sockets tasks found in async_sockets.h.
Definition: async_sockets.c:186
aIO_handle_t udp_soc_two
Definition: async_sockets.c:37
aIO_handle_t tcp_soc
Definition: async_sockets.c:38
TaskHandle_t UDPDemoTask
Definition: async_sockets.c:40
TaskHandle_t TCPDemoTask
Definition: async_sockets.c:41